Heirloom allows a players to receive rare melee skins. While it does not offer any added advantage, players like to get Heirloom solely for the cosmetic appeal. However, the price to obtain a Heirloom can be pretty steep. Today, we will discuss all the ways players can obtain a Heirloom in the game.

How To Get Heirloom In Apex Legends Mobile?

There are two ways to get a Heirloom in Apex Legends Mobile. The first way to get a Heirloom takes a lot of luck. There is a 0.02% drop rate for Heirloom shards in the game and players will need to be extremely lucky to get enough Shards this way. Alternatively, opening 500Apex Packs is guaranteed to give players 150 Heirloom Shards which will allow them to unlock a Heirloom whenever they like. Players can get access to Apex Packs by participating in the exclusive Collection events for each legend. Moreover, players can also buy 500 Apex Packs to get 150 heirloom shards. However, the cost of purchasing 50 Apex Packs can be astronomical for some players. On an average, 500 Apex Packs cost around $440 USD to buy. This purchase will also give players 25 legendary items and 50 epic items. Spending so much money just to get access to a Heirloom can be a costly exchange. Players can also opt to buy an event heirloom which costs around $180. With this purchase players will also unlock 12 epic and 12 legendary items for a limited period of time. This is how players can get a Heirloom in Apex Legends Mobile. For a better idea regarding the Apex Packs, check out How To Calculate Apex Packs?